Issue #8: Past, future, China and riches in niches
Reading time: 1.5 Mins + whatever video you decide to watch :)
I ran out of time a bit this week so thought I would share a Sahil Bloom style newsletter instead that pulls together some of my favorite pieces of content from the week…
One Quote:
“History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.”
~ Mark Twain
In issue #3 I covered the metaverse and have been thinking about what other areas could be second order businesses - and I keep coming back to the above quote.
i.e. What businesses that exist now can be reimagined for the metaverse…?
Let me know in the comments below what you got!
One Deep Dive: Raoul's Unified Thesis on NFTs
The insight into treating each protocol as akin to countries was particularly useful for me when trying to describe the various blockchains
In this very special episode of Adventures in Crypto, Raoul synthesizes everything he’s learned about NFTs since he began his crypto journey all those years ago and presents his unified thesis on where he sees it all going. In particular, Raoul touches upon the ETH/NFT nexus when it comes to pricing and trading NFTs, the role network effects play, as well as how NFTs could serve as an ideal technology to address the growing issues of digital identity.
One Tweet: Next bull run incoming? From China?!

One Podcast: Build Once, Sell Twice: Earn $1M a Year Selling Digital Products
Just a brilliant episode on leveraging existing skill sets, finding niches and how to control quality at scale.
That’s it for this weeks newsletter. I hope to be back to normal service next week!
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